Tile Effect (cut to size)


Roof Tile Effect Sheeting (Pantile) Cut to Size

Pantile effect or Roof tile effect sheeting is designed to give a classic tile finish in a high quality steel sheet.

Ideal for refurbishments of old or new contemporary buildings, our Pantile effect or Roof tile effect sheeting can be cut to size and is ideal in all applications of domestic, agricultural and commercial roofs with a pitch of at least 8 degrees after deflection.

The sheets are quicker and easier to install and are a fraction of the weight of conventional tiles.


JI-Rooftile Brochure

Tile Effect Profile

Colorcoat HPS200 Ultra® colour card

Colorcoat Prisma® colour card

Colorcoat® LG Colour card

    Do you need a variety of different roofing or cladding materials for an upcoming project? When you submit your quote, we promise to get back to you within the same working day (often within the hour). Since we specialise in supplying roofing and cladding products for industrial, commercial and agricultural buildings, we have a wealth of knowledge on the various solutions out there.

    Request a callback for more information or call us on 01268 858444